中國語文科 | 英國語文科 | 數學科 | 公民及社會發展科 | 中國歷史科 | 經濟科 | 倫理與宗教科 | 地理科 | 旅遊與款待科 | 綜合科學科 | 商業科 | 電腦及資訊科技科 | 綜合人文科 | 音樂科 | 體育科 | 視覺藝術科 | 生物科 | 物理科 | 化學科 |



  1. To arouse students’interest and boost their confidence in English by various activities and games through e-teaching.
  2. To adopt an interactive and theme-based approach in teaching.
  3. To help students master the language forms (including vocabulary, text-types and grammar items and structures), communicative functions, and skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  4. To build in grammar patterns in the context of activities of listening, reading and writing.
  5. To develop students’ independence in learning by self-access programmes, group work, pair work, projects, interviews or other activities.
  6. To encourage students to elaborate, illustrate, and explain ideas and responses through activities and guidance.
  7. To foster a reading and listening habit of students and expose them to a variety of written and spoken English such as novels, short stories and poems, newspapers, magazines, films and videos, radio and television or internet.
  8. To encourage and provide students with greater opportunities to use English for purposeful communication both inside and outside the classroom through language learning tasks and projects.
  9. To help students develop a worldwide outlook through broadening their knowledge and experiences and providing language preparation for personal and intellectual development, and further studies/ work.
  10. To develop students’ language learning strategies (e.g. self-motivation, thinking skills, reference skills, information skills) and positive attitudes (e.g. confidence in using English, enjoyment of reading) conducive to effective, independent and lifelong learning.



  1. In each form, there will be 2 sets of Learning Portfolios, one for more capable classes and the other for less capable classes.
  2. In S1-S3, there will be 2 sets of oral exam papers, one for more capable classes and the other for less capable classes. For other examination papers, there should be graded sections.